Makara Hosptality Management is one of the work units under the University of Indonesia which is engaged in the management of accommodation and hospitality.
Makara Hosptality Management was inaugurated on December 3, 2019 through the Rector's Decree with No. 2470 / SK / R / UI 2019 concerning the transfer of the form of Wisma Makara to Makara Hospitality Management (MHM), where we can carry out business activities and cooperation independently.
Makara Hosptality Management until now is trusted to manage Wisma Makara, in the UI city forest area, GUEST HOUSE PSJ at FIB UI, we are also in the process of managing accommodation in several apartments around Margonda as well as managing Panglawungan resorts in Sukabumi and ASOKA Resort, Banten.
Makara Hosptality Management is currently trusted to manage the self-quarantine place for asymptomatic covid-19 patients (OTG) in the Kata Depok area by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). We manage 3 buildings in the University of Indonesia area as self-quarantine places, namely Wisma Makara, Student Dormitory and Guest House of the Center for Japanese Studies (PSJ).